Common Knee Injuries That Can Be Treated by a Chiropractor

Knee pain is one of the most common debilitating ailments and affects thousands of adults throughout Vancouver annually. Often, it is caused by wear and tears emanating from daily chores like standing, bending, lifting, and walking. The common causes of knee pain are due to injury, aging, or repeated stress on or around the knee. If you are suffering from knee pain, our team at Back & Neck Care Chiropractic & Sports Massage is here to get you back to living pain-free.

Common Causes of Knee Pain

Knee pain complications can arise from mechanical problems, injuries, arthritis, and other issues. Knee pain ranges from mild to chronic. In most cases, chronic pain requires thorough treatment to eliminate the problem. It is also imperative to note that people overweight or obese are at high risk of developing knee complications. A knee joint is comprised of bone, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons which can be injured and inflamed. Here are some of the causes of knee pain that our team can help with.

Knee bursitis: Bursae is a small sac of fluid located within your knee joint cushioning pressure points between your bones, muscles, and tendons mitigating friction. When these bursae become inflamed, it culminates in knee pain.

Torn meniscus: Meniscus is comprised of tough rubber cartilage which acts as a shock absorber between your thighbone and shinbone. When you twist your knee abruptly, the meniscus can rapture while exerting weight on it causing knee pain.

Frozen knee: Locked knee occurs when you experience difficulty in straightening or bending your knee. This malfunction can get triggered by a prevailing inflammation, meniscal tear, or a previous injury.

Dislocated knee: This is a type of knee injury that happens when there is a joint disruption between the tibia and femur. Knee dislocation rarely occurs, but it is a severe injury that can damage blood vessels, nerves, and ligaments exposing both the joint and entire leg at risk.

Strains and sprains: Strains mostly occur due to overuse of a joint. Sprains often result from falls or collisions from physical activities. Strains and sprains cause tenderness, swelling, and pain in the affected regions, impeding mobility.

Contact Us for Quality Care

If you are suffering from knee pain in the Vancouver area, our team at Back & Neck Care Chiropractic & Sports Massage is here to help. We offer corrective pain relief care to help restore your body to its optimal level. No matter if you just had an injury, or if you've had knee pain for quite some time, we can provide you with the treatment you need. Contact us at (360) 253-6674 to find out how we can help you with your knee pain.




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