Sports are often played for exercise, health, wellbeing and accomplishment. However, they can also be the source of injuries too. Sports drive people to voluntarily push their bodies beyond normal function. Better, faster, stronger and more all push the body to limits. When those limitations are exceeded, the body is at risk for being injured. When the damage is small, the body heals quickly, grows stronger and performs better. However, where the injury is serious, the body can’t function and needs time to be repaired properly. If you are looking for sports injury treatment and chiropractic care in Vancouver, WA, and Clark County, WA, we at Back & Neck Care Chiropractic are here to help.

Sprains, Strains, and Tears

One of the most common injuries from sports involves over-extension of soft tissue. That can happen with muscles, tendons or ligaments or all of the above. Pushed to its limits, soft-tissue can stretch, but too far and damage occurs. We might feel this as a strain or sprain. However, stretched too far, and the tissue might start to separate, producing a tear. Tears might involve an injury which can be painful, takes weeks to heal, but can be healed from and chiropractic care is here to help.

Elbow, Back, Neck and Knee Injuries

Joints provide the critical connections for the body to work but they can also be pain points, especially during motion and direction changes. Knees are susceptible in sports involving fast, quick-changing directions and contact.

Chiropractic Care and Sports Injury Treatment

A chiropractor on our team can use sports chiropractic care to help get you pain relief and to help you heal from your injuries. We can apply a chiropractic adjustment to better help your joints get and stay aligned so that your body can function better. A sports chiropractor on our team can also give you corrective exercises to do at home to help strengthen the weakened areas of your body. We can also give you lifestyle and nutrition advice to help you maintain overall wellness. We can also provide massage therapy to help increase circulation so that you can get pain relief and more.

Sports Chiropractic Care from Our Sports Injury Chiropractor Serving Vancouver, WA, and Clark County, WA

Clark County athletes and active patients can receive help from us at Back & Neck Care Chiropractic. Our chiropractic team is trained in dealing with Vancouver sports injuries and their rehabilitation. Patients in Clark County don't have to deal with recovery alone. Call us at (360) 253-6674 for more information.




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